Monday, December 20, 2010

just sign it already.

just sign the damn thing already. you don't like the verification process? who cares? even if you did verify that russia reduced their nuclear arms to the amount agreed to, they'd still have enough to annihilate us so what's the difference? it doesn't matter if they totally flatten the US just once or 10 times over, it's still flattened. sign the treaty and dismantle our surplus. stop spending on the maintenance and security and quit whining about having to work on holidays. running the free world does not have union-guaranteed 15 minute breaks every hour.

to your credit congress and senate, you did manage to repeal don't ask don't tell and sign a tax bill, even though it is a total clusterfuck, which is a topic for another day. now if you could approve a budget so the government doesn't get shut down, that would be sweet.


Laura said...

You sounds like a crazy person.

Dan said...

i'm not crazy, i'm just outraged.

Embee Breedlove said...

It's almost like as if you want the people in elected offices to behave as if they're doing *jobs* that they get *paid* for. Where do you get these INSANE ideas from?