Sunday, April 13, 2008

things i would hump - cuba de ayer empanadas

i just ate four of them. two beef, two chicken. they are, as dave put it, "mind blowing". fried golden brown, spicy, crunchy, a little bit sweet and absolutely delicious. now i'm no empanada expert, but i've had a few and as far as i can tell, these are the best empanadas ever made. dave told our server how much he liked the them, at which point the server claimed that argentinian empanadas are even better. now, while i find this highly unlikely, i feel that however improbably, if true, is certainly worth investigating. we asked if he knew where we could get some and he suggested an argentinian baker in miami, which was not exactly a lot of help. so if anyone knows where i can find some around DC, dave and i would love to hear about it.

cuba de ayer is off of 198 in burtsonville, between rt 29 and old columbia pike. it's easy to miss, but worth the hunt. all of the food there is excellent and reasonably priced. oh, and if you do go, try the empanadas, i hear they are pretty good.

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