Friday, March 21, 2008

suprise, there are more than two political parties

you would never know it by watching the news, but yes it's true, there are more than two political parties. i hate to admit it, but i lifted this image from, regardless of the source, i still think it's a good illustration of the various parties you never hear about. i might even go so far as to suggest that you take the survey and see where you land. (surprisingly, it put me right where i would have put myself.) anyway, if you think you are an independent because you don't fall in line with democrat or republican party beliefs, you might find that there is a party that you do fall in line with. wikipedia claims that as many as 30 percent of voters are independent. what portion of the remaining 70% registered as republican or democrat because they feel those are the only two choices? as for myself, libertarian for the most part, and yes i throw away my vote every four years.

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