oh silly liberals. you're doing it wrong. i know you want to get all outraged and want to put on a big show for your constituents and look real angry but you're blowing steam about the wrong thing. trust me, i'm an expert on outrage. recently congressmen todd akin 'misspoke' and said, when asked about abortions for rape victims, "if it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down." going off on mr. akin for using the phrase "legitimate rape", accusing him of implying that rapes are legitimate and some are not is missing the point. liberal or conservative, and regardless of where you stand on the abortion issue, the thing you should be really, honestly and truly upset about is this member of congress, this leader of nations, this MEMBER OF THE HOUSE SCIENCE COMMITTEE seems to think that the body's of women who have become pregnant as the result of being raped somehow have the magically ability to know this and self-abort. also i love how "misspoke" has become such a popular catch-all for either outright lying or just plain saying some dumb ass shit.
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