well it seems to be another year of unsuccessful gardening. i think if add up all the costs for this year and last year and all the delicious fresh fruits and vegetables i've managed to grow, i've spent roughly $315 on about three tomatoes, one green pepper, that apparently the fucking squirrel that stole it didn't think was very good, and a lemon the size of a golf ball.
here's the squash plants i tried to grow
and here's the one just randomly growing in my compost bin. that son of a bitch is like 15 feet long and some of those leaves are about two feet across.
on the plus side, the persimmon tree that i got last fall that was basically some roots with a twig attached to the top is doing alright, and the fruit salad tree and 4-in-1 apple tree are also doing pretty well. and the citrus plants seem to be enjoying the heat. the kiwi vines didn't make it.
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