my dog is a cold blooded killer. 100% wild beast. she is a snarling, slobbering, bone crushing monster and she is tougher than nails. literally. what you are looking at is what i came home to this evening. nana chewed to pieces a board full of nails, and i guess it made her thirsty because when she was done with that she washed it down with a gallon of gasoline and had a light bulb for desert, and then just for shits, she mauled some nearby orphans.
actually, it was just a 6" carpet tack strip that i had left on the floor of the bathroom i am tiling. but damn, anyone who has messed with tack strips knows, there's a good chance blood will be spilled and the little dog chewed the thing to shreds, nails and all. i hope she didn't eat any of them.
I am surprised there aren't more comments, look how cute she is people!
Eeek! Well if it was going to hurt her you should know by now. That's scary!
Yeah, she's totally way cute.
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