Friday, October 23, 2009

beer money

things i have sold on ebay or craigslist in the last two weeks:

ti-85 calculator...$15
vacuum cleaner...$25
santana moss jersey...$50
desk chair...$10
tv stand...$10
bike cover...$10
car parts...$304
dupont paint samples...$35

things pending sale:
toyota corolla factory bids
802.11 pcmcia bids
house of kolor paint samples...current bid $26
ppg paint samples...current bid $26
basf paint samples...current bid $26
large ticket item which shall remain be delivered sunday $1575

i'm off to my storage unit to see what else i can 1) get rid of 2) have someone come pick up and 3) get money for.

1 comment:

Phil said...

paint samples?? who came to buy all this crap?