fact: the swine flu outbreak of 1976 killed 1 person. 1 person died in 1988 after she "visited a county fair swine exhibition where there was widespread influenza-like illness among the swine."
fact: you cannot get swine flu from eating pork.
fact: swine flu is treatable with the same drugs used to treat the regular flu.
fact: the transmission of the flu virus from humans to pigs is a bigger problem than vice versa.
do yourself a favor. listen carefully to the media and what they are actually saying. have they told you that swine flu is more deadly than the regular flu? have they told you that it is more contagious than the regular flu? have they told you that it is not treatable? no. so now that you armed with some actual facts, stop freaking the fuck out.

hmm..based on these facts, i will give up eating pork just to stay on the safe side.
my favorite headline I saw on CNN was 'threat to humanity' if thats not alarmist I dont know what is short of 'we're all gonna die! :('
more bacon for me!
Yes, I have been wondering what the hell the big deal is. IT'S THE FLU. The only thing that's remarkable is its provenance - and, like, hmm, CAFOs and factory farms are good breeding grounds for disease? Woah, big news there.
Does kind of make you wonder what they're trying to distract us from... dun dun DUNNNN...
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