three warnings and one ticket in four days. outrageous. i'm outraged. the worst part? my car wasn't even moving. the first one was for no front tags on the supra, parked on a county street. i was not parked at a yellow curb, or in a handicapped space or in front a fire hydrant. no. my car sat there, next to the curb, not moving, properly registered, but lacking the front license plate. the three warnings i received when i stopped at the gate to show my badge and one of the gate guards was bored and decided to write me up for the clear plastic front license plate cover on the corolla. i was given a warning for that, a warning for failure to provide proof of insurance (i couldn't find my insurance card) and a warning for operating an uninsured vehicle, even though my vehicle is in fact insured, indeed probably over-insured.
did i break the law? yes, i did. and according to the law, i deserved those tickets/warnings. but who did i hurt? did i endanger someone? did i endanger myself? were the other people on the block where my car was parked somehow put as risk because my car did not have a front license plate or other people on the road at risk because my other car had a clear piece of plastic over it's front license plate? were my actions to the detriment of society at large? of course not.
the real risk here is the local governments running out of money and so they write stupid little laws like this with stupid little fines to pad their budgets. but here's the best part... have you ever wondered why you are required to have front tags? (hint: cops don't chase you from the front) it's for things like photo radars* and red light cameras** and laser speed traps***, other laws that generate revenue. so now we have laws specifically designed to ensure that other laws revenue generating laws continue to put money in the county coffers.
you're probably thinking, dan is an idiot and he gets what he deserves. he should just do like he's supposed to and no one will bother him. if you're thinking that, you've missed the entire point and i have failed as a writer. the point is 1) i shouldn't be forbidden from doing anything that doesn't hurt anyone and 2) the government should not be writing laws for the purposes of collecting money unless they are tax laws and even that is questionable if you ask me.
* i think we can pretty much all agree that photo radars do not improve traffic safety. after about a month, everyone knows exactly where they are and will slow down for just long enough to not get a ticket. furthermore, anyone who *does* get a ticket gets it 2-4 weeks after the fact which means 1) they did not slow the time they got the ticket and 2) now they know exactly where it is so they can slow down just long enough next time to not get a ticket
** red light cameras are still debatable. while they have been shown to decrease the number of cars running the light as it turns from green to red, they have also been show to increase the number of rear-end collisions at the same intersections. so you decide if you'd rather get hit by the car behind you or have to wait while some jerk squeeze through the light at the last second.
*** i've got no good argument against speed traps. and in fact, they probably would improve traffic safety in the long run if the fines were so substantial that it actually changed peoples driving habits.
so do you not have a front tag as a stand against the man or...because you think it looks stupid?
Front tags could also help in identifying a vehicle involved in a crime.
Either way I do think you should know by now Arlington doesnt play..bring your car by tonight and we can shelter it from bastards until we take back the streets.
I'm glad to hear your outrage is back.
leave it up the narc for pointing out how it can be used to identify vehicles. i think i agree with what i skimmed.
Gosh Dan, don't you see? It's not about the laws making sense or protecting people - where do you get these crazy ideas from? You're supposed to follow the laws blindly without ever questioning their purpose or greater intention! It's like you completely missed brainwashi- I mean High School.
There is a simple solution that will, of course, never be implemented.
Require that the money obtained from fines be destroyed.
This eliminates the conflict of interest that occurs when government feeds itself through the proceeds of "crime". And everyone has the value of their savings increase a bit through a shrinking money supply. It is a win-win for everyone except politicians who are too cowardly to fund their activities through honest open taxation.
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