Thursday, May 1, 2008

sweet... 18 cents per gallon savings.

now i can finally afford that jr. bacon cheeseburger i've been jonesing for but couldn't afford due to gas price increases. two out of three of your presidential candidates have proposed a "gas tax holiday" for the summer driving season. apparently only one candidate

- is smart enough to realize that the average person would save about $30 at the pump
- has the dignity and enough respect for the american people to not try to buy votes for the aforementioned $30 each
- realizes that making gas cheaper is not the way to end foreign oil dependency.

i had spent some time considering which candidate i hated the least. thank you for clearing it up mccain and clinton.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you should try the spicy baconator, my arteries all agree they're willing to work overtime for such a delicious treat.